ESE 2024 Plan of Examination
The Examination Shall be Conducted According to The Following Plan :
Stage-I : Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for the Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination;
Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers) and
Stage-III : Personality Test
The Engineering Services (Preliminary : Stage-I) :
Examination will consist of two objective type (multiple choices) questions papers and carrying a maximum of 500 marks (Paper 1 – 200 Marks & Paper II – 300 Marks). Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary/Stage‐I Examination in the year will be eligible for admission to the Main/Stage‐II Examination of that year provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main/Stage‐II Examination. The Marks obtained in Preliminary/Stage-I Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main/Stage-II Examination will be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main/Stage-II Examination will be about six to seven time the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year through this examination.
Note :
The Commission will draw a list of candidates to be qualified for Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination based on the criterion of minimum qualifying marks in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper‐I) and Engineering Discipline specific paper (Paper‐II) of Preliminary/Stage-I Examination.
There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type question papers.
There are four alternative for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one‐third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question.
If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Candidates should note that if any irrelevant matter / signages / marks etc. are found written in the answer script(s), which
would not be related to any question/answer and/or would be having the potential to disclose the candidate’s identity, the
Commission will impose a penalty of deduction of marks from the total marks otherwise accruing to the candidate or will not
evaluate the said script(s) on this account.
The Engineering Services (Mains : Stage-II) :
The Engineering Services (Main/stage‐II) Examination will consist two conventional type papers in Engineering Discipline specific with duration of three hours and maximum marks of 600 (300 Marks in each paper).
The Engineering Services (Personality Test : Stage‐III) :
The Stage-III will consist of Personality Test carrying 200 Marks.
Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Stage‐I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage‐I) and Stage‐II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage‐II) Examination as may be fixed by the Commission as per its discretion, shall be summoned by them for Stage‐III (Personality Test). The number of candidates to be summoned for Personality Test will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled. The Personality Test will carry 200 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).
Marks obtained by the candidates in the Stage‐I:(Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination, Stage‐II:(Main/Stage‐II) Examination and Stage-III (Personality Test) would determine their final ranking. Candidates will be allotted to the various services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and the preference expressed by them for the various services/posts.
Stage-I(Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination :
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Stage-I Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) |
2 hrs | 200 |
Paper‐II (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) |
3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 500 |
Stage-II(Main/Stage-II) Examination :
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category‐I Civil Engineering | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper‐I ( Civil Engineering) | ||
Paper‐II ( Civil Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-II Mechanical Engineering | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper‐I ( Mechanical Engineering) | ||
Paper‐II ( Mechanical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category‐III Electrical Engineering | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper‐I ( Electrical Engineering) | ||
Paper‐II ( Electrical Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category‐IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering | 3 hrs | 300 |
Paper‐I ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | ||
Paper‐II ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | 3 hrs | 300 |
Total | 600 |
Stage-III(Personality Test) : 200 Marks
Note :
Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed the help of a scribe to write the answers for them. The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the categories of Low Vision will be provided the facility of scribe, if desired by the person. In case of other category of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities as defined under section 2(r) of RPwD Act, 2016, the facility of scribe will be allowed to such candidates on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer, Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution as per proforma at Appendix-IV.
The candidates have discretion of opting for his/her own scribe or request the Commission for the same. The details of scribe i.e. whether own or the Commission’s and the details of scribe in case candidates are bringing their own scribe, will be sought at the time of filling up the application form online as per proforma at Appendix‐V.
The qualification of the Commission’s scribe as well as own scribe not be more than the minimum qualification criteria of the examination. However, the qualification of the scribe should always be matriculate or above.
The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of Low Vision will be allowed Compensatory Time of twenty minutes per hour of the examination. In case of other categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, the facility will be provided on production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care institution as per proforma at Appendix-IV.
The eligibility conditions of a scribe, his/her conduct inside the examination hall and the manner in which and extent to which he/she can help the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities(PwBD) candidates in writing the Engineering Services Examination shall be governed by the instructions issued by the UPSC in this regard. Violation of all or any of the said instructions shall entail the cancellation of the candidature of the PwBD candidate in addition to any other action that the UPSC may take against the scribe.
The Commission have discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks in any or all the papers of the examination.
Marks will not be allotted for mere superficial knowledge.
Deduction upto five per cent of the maximum marks for the written papers will be made for illegible handwriting.
Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in the conventional papers of the examination.
In the question papers, wherever required, SI units will be used.
Note :
Candidates will be supplied with standard tables/charts in SI units in the Examination hall for reference purpose, wherever
considered necessary.
Candidates are permitted to bring and use battery operated pocket calculators for conventional (essay) type papers only. Loaning or inter‐changing of calculators in the Examination Hall is not permitted.
It is also important to note that candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type papers (Test booklets). They should not therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.
Candidates should use only International form of Indian numerals while answering question papers.